Next Steps for Voices of the Valley


If you are receiving this you have successfully signed up for our newsletter. As you may be aware the deadline for submissions ended on September 1st at midnight.  In an effort to improve our new submission process, please send us an email with your name as you want it to appear in print and the name(s) of the piece(s) you submitted.  We understand some people had trouble with our new process and we apologize for any inconvenience. If we are unable to access your piece after you have emailed us, we will email you directly so you can resend submissions if necessary.

Once we have cataloged all the pieces, we will be creating a list of dates and times for our writers’ workshops at the Athol Library. Upon signing up for a workshop, you will be grouped with other authors and a facilitator. They will give you feedback on your piece and you will be given a deadline to make improvements. Those improved pieces should be sent directly to our email:  From there, an editor from our group will be looking over your pieces and will ask you to fine tune some things for final approval. The sooner you and your editor can agree to the changes needed, the sooner we can get to the printing press! 

As of right now, we are hoping to debut this anthology in May, so finding time to attend a workshop and a willingness to take suggestions from other authors will ensure the completion of our anthology in a timely manner.  If for any reason you cannot attend a workshop, please contact us. We will strive to make arrangements or reschedule you, but we must be diligent if we are to meet our final deadline.

Please contact us as soon as possible to ensure our workshop slots. We will be in touch again soon!


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